> Februari 2013 ~ slalu bersama nurul

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Senin, 04 Februari 2013


Persahabatan Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas Langsung ke: navigasi, cari Together.png Hubungan akrab Jenis hubungan Duda · Istri · Janda · Keluarga · Kumpul kebo · Monogami · Nikah siri · Pacar lelaki · Pacar perempuan · Perkawinan · Pertemanan/Persahabatan · Poligami · Pria simpanan/PIL · Saudara · Selingkuhan · Selir · Suami · Wanita simpanan/WIL Peristiwa dalam hubungan Pacaran · Pernikahan · Perselingkuhan · Perpisahan · Perceraian · Romans l • b • s Persahabatan atau pertemanan adalah istilah yang menggambarkan perilaku kerja sama dan saling mendukung antara dua atau lebih entitas sosial. Artikel ini memusatkan perhatian pada pemahaman yang khas dalam hubungan antar pribadi. Dalam pengertian ini, istilah "persahabatan" menggambarkan suatu hubungan yang melibatkan pengetahuan, penghargaan dan afeksi. Sahabat akan menyambut kehadiran sesamanya dan menunjukkan kesetiaan satu sama lain, seringkali hingga pada altruisme. selera mereka biasanya serupa dan mungkin saling bertemu, dan mereka menikmati kegiatan-kegiatan yang mereka sukai. Mereka juga akan terlibat dalam perilaku yang saling menolong, seperti tukar-menukar nasihat dan saling menolong dalam kesulitan. Sahabat adalah orang yang memperlihatkan perilaku yang berbalasan dan reflektif. Namun bagi banyak orang, persahabatan seringkali tidak lebih daripada kepercayaan bahwa seseorang atau sesuatu tidak akan merugikan atau menyakiti mereka. Nilai yang terdapat dalam persahabatan seringkali apa yang dihasilkan ketika seorang sahabat memperlihatkan secara konsisten: kecenderungan untuk menginginkan apa yang terbaik bagi satu sama lain. simpati dan empati. kejujuran, barangkali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sulit bagi orang lain untuk mengucapkan kebenaran. saling pengertian. Seringkali ada anggapan bahwa sahabat sejati sanggup mengungkapkan perasaan-perasaan yang terdalam, yang mungkin tidak dapat diungkapkan, kecuali dalam keadaan-keadaan yang sangat sulit, ketika mereka datang untuk menolong. Dibandingkan dengan hubungan pribadi, persahabatan dianggap lebih dekat daripada sekadar kenalan, meskipun dalam persahabatan atau hubungan antar kenalan terdapat tingkat keintiman yang berbeda-beda. Bagi banyak orang, persahabatan dan hubungan antar kenalan terdapat dalam kontinum yang sama. Disiplin-disiplin utama yang mempelajari persahabatan adalah sosiologi, antropologi dan zoologi. Berbagai teori tentang persahabatan telah dikemukakan, di antaranya adalah psikologi sosial, teori pertukaran sosial, teori keadilan, dialektika relasional, dan tingkat keakraban. Lihat Hubungan antar-pribadi Dua orang sahabat Daftar isi 1 Etimologi 2 Bibliografi 3 Lihat pula 4 Pranala luar Etimologi Kata "sahabat" berasal dari bahasa Arab shahabah (ash-shahaabah, الصحابه) yang pada mulanya merujuk pada sahabat Nabi. Bibliografi Aristoteles, Etika Nikomakhean Cicero, "On Friendship" David Hein, "Farrer on Friendship, Sainthood, and the Will of God" (dalam Captured by the Crucified: The Practical Theology of Austin Farrer, disunting oleh David Hein dan Edward Hugh Henderson. New York and London: Continuum/T. & T. Clark, 2004. 119–48)

Puisi Ibu

Puisi Ibu Ibu By: Ade Yulianti aku begitu mencintaimu aku begitu merindukan mu kau begitu indah dan sempurna dimataku pengorbananmu begitu tulus hingga aku sulit untuk membalasnya doaku selalu ku panajat kan untukmu kasih sayangmu begitu besar pelukkan mu begitu hangat hingga aku selalu terjaga dalam tidurku.... ibu ibu ibu aku rindu kepadamu aku rindu saat kau membuaiku dengan kasih sayang.... yaah allah jagalah ibu ku di sisimu dan biakan lah ia merasakan surga mu ibu ibu ibu kau apa kah kah mendengarkan jeritan ini jeritan anakmu yang merindukan mu ibu berikan ketegaran untuk anak mu ini agar anakmu bisa terus seyum sepeti senyuman mu yang tulus.... Puisi Seorang Anak untuk Ibu Aku berangkat sekarang untuk membantai lawan Untuk berjuang dalam pertempuran. Aku berangkat, Bu, dengarlah aku pergi Doakanlah agar aku berhasil. Sayapku sudah tumbuh, aku ingin terbang. Merebut kemenangan di mana pun adanya. Aku akan pergi, Bu, janganlah menangis Biar kucari jalanku sendiri. Aku ingin melihat, menyentuh, dan mendengar Meskipun ada bahaya, ada rasa takut. Aku akan tersenyum dan menghapus air mata Biar kuutarakan pikiranku. Aku pergi mencari duniaku, cita-citaku Memahat tempatku, menjahit kainku Ingatlah, saat aku melayari sungaiku Aku mencintaimu, di sepanjang jalanku. Pulanglah Ibu By: Laili Nurul H. Tubuhmu kaku, matamu kaku, mulutmu membisu napasmu terhenti sudah Aku tahu ibu telah pergi ke alam sana yang tak pernah ada dalam bayanganku, juga ku dengar bisikan Oh ibu tak lama ibu telah terkubur ditanah merah hanya sendiri dukaku ibu pasti tau menjalar sekujur tubuh biarlah ibu pulanglah dengan tenang Ada Engkau Ibu By: marihot nainggolan Ada Engkau Ibu... dalam gigil yang mengikis ada Engkau mendekap hangat hati dalam tangis meringis Engkau datang menghapus perih Kala sepi merajai ada Engkau membersamai Engkau suguhkan cinta meski hatimu sengsara ada tawa yang selalu mekar di wajahmu ada kasih lewat belaianmu aku percaya dan aku bahagia karena ada Engkau....Puisi ibu Puisi Satu Harapan Mereka Satu malam satu lembar saja. Diam dan mulailah menuliskannya. Bukankah janjimu ingin jadi SARJANA ? Janganlah membuat mereka menetaskan air mata. Bukankah harapan mereka tidak mengada-ada? Hanya ingin melihat mu menjadi SARJANA. BAJU TOGA ITU, Mengeringkan keringat mereka, Menghapus air mata mereka, Membayar semua pengorbanan mereka. Ingat .. Bukan emas dan permata sebagai bentuk balas jasa. Tapi .. Hanya kata-kata sederhana SARJANA saja....!!! Lupakah kamu waktu meraka mengantarmu ke kota...? Mereka pulang lalu mengatakan kepada sesiapa saja bahwa anak mereka sekarang kuliah Dan menjadi calon SARJANA Mereka lalu menjual apa saja yang ada Menghemat uang belanja. Jangan Buang Waktuku By: Dafit Terlalu lama aku menunggu Ungkapan isi hatimu Namun kau tak pernah mau tau Kau hanya diam membisu Jika memang kau tak cinta aku Janganlah buang waktuku Lelah ku ikuti inginmu Tapi kau tak peduli dngan perasaanku Ku tak mau terus mengalah Lebih baik aku menyerah Ku tau cinta tak bisa di paksa Tapi mengapa kau tak jujur saja Dari awal kita bersama Kalo memang di hatimu tak pernah ada rasa Untuk aku yg mencoba setia Sakit rasanya... Bila cinta tak terbalas cinta Untuk Ibuku tercinta By: Agus Suarsono Ku ingin, Menghirup udara yang kau hirup. Melangkah, Di tempatmu melangkah. Berteduh, Di tempatmu berteduh. Dan terlelap di atas pangkuanmu. Ibu... Ku hanya ingin selalu bersamamu. sepanjang waktuku... Kupersembahkan untuk Ibuku Tercinta dan semua Ibu di muka bumi ini By: Agus Suarsono Suratan-Mu Tuhan... Atas takdir seorang Ibu yang mengandung ku tuk sembilan bulan yang melahirkan ku dengan derita Nyawanya Ia pertaruhkan Demi aku yang lemah tak berdaya Maaf Ibu... Jika hanya tangis yang dapat kuberikan untukmu Ketika pertama kali, kau tunjukkan aku dunia Maaf Ibu... Jika kau harus terbangun di kegelapan malam Karena aku yang merengek kehausan Maafkan aku Ibu... Anakmu ini, yang hanya bisa mengadu dan meminta Dan kau selalu memberi tanpa mengharapkan imbalan jasa Tuhan... Dosakah diriku ini... Yang selalu merepotkan Ibu Wanita bijaksana yang membesarkanku Mengajariku tentang arti kehidupan Dan Ibu yang senantiasa menjagaku tanpa lelah Dan takkan pernah menyerah Cahaya Cintamu By: Agus Suarsono Ibuku sayang... Cintamu, adalah cahaya yang menerangi Setiap kegelapan di dunia fana ini. Kehadiranmu, begitu berharga, Bermakna dan berarti. Ibuku yg cantik... Tiada hari yg kujalani, Tanpa sedetik pun tak mengingatmu. Mengingat sgala pengorbananmu Yg tak lelah merawatku, Yg tak bosan menasehatiku, Dan tak henti menyangiku, spanjang usiamu. Terima kasih Ibu... Tlah menghiasi kehidupanku di dunia fana ini, dengan senyum manismu yg menguatkan batinku. Terima kasih ibu… Telah menjagaku hingga kini. Terima kasih Ibu... Engkau selalu ada untukku. Ibuku yg baik... Maafkan aku, jika pernah melukai perasaanmu. Maafkan aku, selalu mengecewakanmu. Maafkan aku, anakmu ini. Ibu... Cahaya cintamu, selalu ku nanti. Bahkan hingga aku mati. Dan cintamu kan tetap bersinar di hati, Kekal dan abadi.


PUISI PERSAHABATAN Seorang sahabat dan teman dekat adalah karunia yang indah dibanding kekasih yang kadang bisa menyakiti dan menghianati kita. Sahabat sejati tidak akan meninggalkan teman dalam kesedihan dan saling membantu. Sahabat sejati akan selalu ada bila kita mengalami gundah, sedih, senang, kecewa dan sahabat tidak akan pergi meninggalkan kita dalam keterpurukan. Ungkapkan rasa bangga anda untuk sahabat sejati anda dengan puisi persahabatan. Berikut ini ada beberapa puisi persabahatan yang mungkin bisa dapatkan dan ungkapkan kesahabat anda. Teman Terbaik Seorang teman terbaik selalu ada, jika kita memerlukan saran, atau berbasa-basi, atau bahkan menyediakan bahu untuk menangis. Seorang teman terbaik mendengarkan dengan hatinya dan selalu jujur dengan Anda, meskipun kebenaran mungkin tidak apa yang ingin Anda dengar. Seorang teman terbaik mengetahui semua rahasia Anda, memahami ketakutan Anda berbagi impian Anda. Seorang teman terbaik tidak pernah berhenti percaya pada Anda bahkan jika Anda menyerah Dan apa pun yang terjadi, Anda akan selalu ada. Untuk Selamanya Teman Seorang teman adalah seseorang tertawa dan menangis dengan Inspirasi, Seseorang yang meminjamkan tangan membantu, meskipun teman-teman mungkin tidak selamanya, Dan mereka tidak mungkin berakhir bersama-sama, kenangan persahabatan sejati akan bertahan selamanya. Seorang teman bukanlah bayangan atau hamba Tetapi seseorang yang memegang sepotong seseorang dalam hatinya. Seseorang yang berbagi senyum, Seseorang yang mencerahkan hari Anda Teman adalah Harta Teman adalah sebuah harta Seorang teman adalah seseorang yang kita berpaling, saat roh kita membutuhkan tumpangan. Seorang teman adalah seseorang yang kita sayangi, untuk persahabatan kami adalah jiwa. Seorang teman adalah seseorang yang mengisi kehidupan kita, dengan keindahan, sukacita dan kasih karunia. Dan membuat dunia kita hidup, tempat yang lebih baik dan lebih bahagia. Sahabatku Tahukah kau sobat??? Bahwa segala luka yang menyobek hatimu Dapat juga ku rasakan dan menusuk jiwaku Bahwa darah yang menetes dari luka itu Seiring air mata yang mengalir di pipiku Sadarkah kau sobat??? Bahwa kepedihan yang selalu tampak di wajahmu Adalah mmpi terburuk yang membebaniku Bahwa sikap dinginmu untukku Adalah pedang yang terus menghujam dadaku Dulu secercah tawamu yang indah Selalu menggelitik jiwaku untuk tersenyum Tapi kini semua tlah berubah Dan bukan lagi kebahagiaan yang mamapu kau berikan padaku Karena sahabat… Kau khianati aq dan kau cemari ikatan kita Kau dengan mudah melepas jemariku Padahal kau melihat aku Rapuh tanpa kau di sampingku Aku ingin kau jadi sahabat seumur hidupku Tapi sebuah sungutan yg selalu ku dapat Bila ku salah… Sebuah nasehat yang selalu membimbingku bila ku marah Takkan pernah jadi milikku Kemana aku harus mencari semua??? Puisi Persahabatan Dan jika berkata, berkatalah kepada aku tentang kebenaran persahabatan?..Sahabat adalah kebutuhan jiwa, yang mesti terpenuhi. Dialah ladang hati, yang kau taburi dengan kasih dan kau panen dengan penuh rasa terima kasih. Dan dia pulalah naungan dan pendianganmu. Karena kau menghampirinya saat hati lapa dan mencarinya saat jiwa butuh kedamaian. Bila dia bicara, mengungkapkan pikirannya, kau tiada takut membisikkan kata tidak di kalbumu sendiri, pun tiada kau menyembunyikan kata ya. Dan bilamana ia diam, hatimu tiada kan henti mencoba merangkum bahasa hatinya; karena tanpa ungkapan kata, dalam rangkuman persahabatan, segala pikiran, hasrat, dan keinginan terlahirkan bersama dengan sukacita yang utuh, pun tiada terkirakan. Di kala berpisah dengan sahabat, janganlah berduka cita; Karena yang paling kaukasihi dalam dirinya, mungkin lebih cemerlang dalam ketiadaannya, bagai sebuah gunung bagi seorang pendaki, nampak lebih agung daripada tanah ngarai dataran. Dan tiada maksud lain dari persahabatan kecuali saling memperkaya ruh kejiwaan. Karena kasih yang masih menyisakan pamrih, di luar jangkauan misterinya, bukanlah kasih, tetapi sebuah jala yang ditebarkan: hanya menangkap yang tiada diharapkan. Dan persembahkanlah yang terindah bagi sahabatmu. Jika dia harus tahu musim surutmu, biarlah dia mengenal pula musim pasangmu. Gerangan apa sahabat itu hingga kau senantiasa mencarinya, Untuk sekadar bersama dalam membunuh waktu? Carilah ia untuk bersama menghidupkan sang waktu! Karena dialah yang bisa mengisi kekuranganmu, bukan mengisi kekosonganmu. Dan dalam manisnya persahabatan, biarkanlah ada tawa ria berbagi kebahagiaan. Karena dalam titik-titik kecil embun pagi, hati manusia menemukan fajar jati dan gairah segar kehidupan. Persabahatan bagaikan kepompong dalam sebuah film atau novel. sahabat adalah jiwa. Puisi persahabatan mewakili semuanya, sampaikan rasa senang anda kesahabat dengan puisi pasti sahabat anda akan bangga dengan anda. Karena anda bisa menghargai sahabat lebih dari pada kekasih. Puisi Persahabatan

Lirik lagu Bunda

Bunda Engkaulah muara kasih dan sayang Apapun pasti kau lakukan Demi anakmu yang tersayang Bunda Tak pernah kau berharap budi balasan Atas apa yang kau lakukan Untuk diriku yang kau sayang Saat diriku dekat dalam sentuhan Peluk kasihmu dan sayang Saat ku jauh dari jangkauan Doa mu kau sertakan Reff: Maafkan diriku bunda Kadang tak sengaja ku membuat remah hatimu terluka Kuingin kau tahu bunda Betapa kumencintaimu lebih dari segalanya * Kumohon restu dalam langkahku Bahagiaku seiring doamu Bunda Tak pernah kau berharap budi balasan Atas apa yang kau lakukan Untuk diriku yang kau sayang Saat diriku dekat dalam sentuhan Peluk kasihmu dan sayang Saat ku jauh dari jangkauan Doa mu kau sertakan Reff: Maafkan diriku bunda Kadang tak sengaja ku membuat remah hatimu terluka Kuingin kau tahu bunda Betapa kumencintaimu lebih dari segalanya * Kumohon restu dalam langkahku Bahagiaku seiring doamu Bunda Engkaulah muara kasih dan sayang Apapun pasti kau lakukan Demi anakmu yang tersayang Read more: http://www.wowkeren.com/lirik/erie_susan/muara-kasih-bunda.html#ixzz2Jvtd5LV1

Super Junior

Super Junior From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Page semi-protected Super Junior Super Junior members at LG Optimus Super Junior Fan meeting at Chateau de Chine in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in November 2011. (L-R: Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Yesung, Shindong) Background information Origin Seoul, South Korea Genres K-pop, dance, R&B Years active 2005–present Labels S.M. Entertainment (South Korea) Avex Group (Japan) Associated acts Super Junior-K.R.Y Super Junior-T Super Junior-M Super Junior-Happy Super Junior-Eunhyuk & Donghae SM Town Website superjunior.smtown.com Members Leeteuk Heechul Yesung Kangin Shindong Sungmin Eunhyuk Donghae Siwon Ryeowook Kibum Kyuhyun Past members Han Geng Korean name Hangul 슈퍼주니어 Hanja (none) Revised Romanization Syupeo Junieo McCune–Reischauer Syup'ŏ Chuniŏ This article contains Korean text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Hangul or Hanja. Super Junior (Korean: 슈퍼주니어; Syupeo Junieo) is a popular South Korean idol group. Formed in 2005 by producer Lee Soo-man of SM Entertainment, the group comprised a total of thirteen members at its peak. Super Junior originally debuted with twelve members, consisting of leader Leeteuk, Heechul, Han Geng, Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook and Kibum. Kyuhyun joined the group in 2006. Known as the "Kings of the Hallyu Wave", Super Junior launched into international recognition following the release of their best-selling single "Sorry, Sorry" in 2009, the title song of their most critically successful album Sorry, Sorry [1][2] and was the best-selling K-pop artist for three years in a row.[3] Over the years, they have been divided into smaller subgroups, simultaneously targeting different music industries and audiences. Largely due to Super Junior's success as entertainers, other Korean entertainment managements began to train their music groups in other areas of entertainment, such as acting and hosting.[4] In addition to their commercial success, Super Junior has earned fourteen music awards from the Mnet Asian Music Awards, sixteen from the Golden Disk Awards, and is the second singing group to win Favorite Artist Korea at the 2008 MTV Asia Awards after JTL in 2003.[5] In 2012 they were nominated for "Best Asian Act" in MTV Europe Music Awards showing one more time their popularity around world.[6] In December 2009, Hankyung departed from the group after filing a lawsuit against their agency SM Entertainment.[7] Hankyung subsequently won the lawsuit in December 2010,[8] though his departure from Super Junior was not made official until September 27, 2011, when S.M. Entertainment finally released a statement to that effect.[9][10] Heechul enlisted for his mandatory military service on September 1, 2011. Kangin was absent from the group for their fourth and fifth album promotions, but completed his service in April 2012, and rejoined the group for their sixth album in mid 2012, however, the absent three members are considered as part of the group regardless. Leeteuk enlisted for his mandatory military service on October 30, 2012. As of 2012, Super Junior has nine active members: Yesung, Kangin, Shindong, Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Siwon, Donghae, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun.[11] Contents 1 Musical career 1.1 2000–2005: Formation and debut 1.2 2006–2007: U, Don't Don, and commercial success 1.3 2008–2009: Sorry, Sorry and career breakthrough 1.4 2010–2011: Bonamana, lineup changes, and international recognition 1.5 2011–2012: Mr. Simple and world tour 1.6 2012–Present: Sexy, Free & Single 2 Members 2.1 Current active members 2.2 Current inactive members 2.3 Super Junior-M members 2.4 Former members 3 Discography 3.1 Korean Discography 3.2 Japanese Discography 4 Tours and concerts 5 Musical style 6 Subgroups 7 Philanthropy 8 Controversies 9 Filmography 10 Awards 11 Footnotes 12 References 13 External links Musical career 2000–2005: Formation and debut In 2000, SM Entertainment held their first overseas casting auditions in Beijing, China and recruited Hankyung, who auditioned against three thousand applicants.[12] That same year, Leeteuk, Yesung, and Eunhyuk were recruited after auditioning for the company's annual casting system in Seoul. Sungmin and Donghae became trainees after jointly winning first place in an SM-sponsored contest in 2001. In 2002, Heechul and Kangin were recruited along with Kibum, who was discovered in Los Angeles, California by a casting agent. Siwon became a trainee after being scouted in 2003 and Ryeowook in 2004, who was recruited into the company after winning the 2004 Chin Chin Youth Festival singing competition.[13] Shindong and Kyuhyun, the latter winning third place at the 2005 Chin Chin Youth Festival, were cast in 2005. In early 2005, Lee Soo-man announced that he had been preparing for an all-boy project group of twelve members to debut at the end of the year. He called this singing group to be "The Gateway to Stardom of Asia,"[14] as most of the members in this group were chosen for their experiences as actors, MCs, models, and radio hosts prior debut. Heechul and Kibum were already established actors at the time, and most of the other members had already made various kinds of appearances in television and media.[15][16][17] Inspired by the rotational concept of Japan's girl group Morning Musume, Lee said that his new group would also experience line-up changes, with new members replacing selected members every year to keep the group constantly young and all-rounded. This concept was then newly introduced to the K-pop market. For a while the group was rumored to be called O.V.E.R, the acronym for "Obey the Voice for Each Rhythm."[18][a] However, before the group settled with their current name, the company simply referred to them as juniors, a representation of the members' young ages when they first became SM trainees.[18] After the members' showcased their different talents to the company at a picnic, the company finalized their group name to Super Junior, and officially became Super Junior'05, the first generation of Super Junior.[13] Super Junior 05 made their pre-debut performance on the Korean channel Mnet on September 11, 2005.[b] At the showcase, they performed various styles of hip-hop dancing, where they danced to B2K's "Take It to the Floor". Hankyung, Eunhyuk, and Donghae also performed a separate dance together, dancing to Usher's "Caught Up." However, the performance did not air on television until May 16, 2006 as a segment in the Super Junior Show, the group's first television documentary. The group officially debuted on SBS's music program Popular Song on November 6, 2005, performing their first single "Twins (Knock Out)". A digital single with "Twins (Knock Out)", "You Are the One", and three additional tracks were released online on November 8, followed by the release of their debut album SuperJunior05 (Twins) on December 6, 2005. The album sold 28,536 copies in the first month of release and debuted at number three in the monthly chart of December 2005.[19][c] 2006–2007: U, Don't Don, and commercial success In February 2006, Super Junior 05 began performances for "Miracle", the second promotional single from their debut album. "Miracle" topped the music charts of Thailand, drawing interest from international markets.[20] As promotions for "Miracle" ended, SM Entertainment began selecting new members for Super Junior's second generation, Super Junior 06. The company even prepared a list of chosen members that were to graduate from the group. However, the company abandoned the rotational concept after adding a thirteenth member, Kyuhyun, in 2006. The group then became known as just Super Junior, without the suffix "05".[21][22] After the addition of Kyuhyun, Super Junior released their single "U" for free download on May 25, 2006 on their official website. "U" exceeded 400,000 downloads within five hours of release and ultimately surpassed 1.7 million downloads, crashing the server.[23][24] The physical single of "U" with a total of three tracks was released on June 6, eventually selling over 81,000 units in South Korea.[25] The single became one of Korea's most popular songs of the year, taking up number one spots for five consecutive weeks on two of Korea's top music programs.[26] By the end of the year, Super Junior collected over seven awards in five of South Korea's top music award ceremonies, and was one of the three Best Newcomer winners at the 21st Golden Disk Awards. In late 2006, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Yesung formed the subgroup Super Junior-K.R.Y, Super Junior's first sub-unit. They performed their first single "The One I Love", theme song to the Korean television drama Hyena, on the KBS music program Music Bank on November 5, 2006.[27] In February 2007, Leeteuk, Heechul, Kangin, Sungmin, Shindong and Eunhyuk formed Super Junior-T, a trot-singing group. They released their first single "Rokuko" on February 23, 2007, and made a debut performance on Popular Songs two days later.[28] Super Junior's second official album was intended for a late 2006 release, but due to several accidental setbacks, Don't Don was not released until September 20, 2007.[29][30] Don't Don sold over 60,000 units the first day of release and debuted at number one on the monthly chart of September 2007.[31] Although Don't Don received mixed reviews from critics, the album went to sell more than 160,000 copies by the end of the year, becoming the second best-selling record of 2007.[32][33][c] Super Junior received seven nominations at the 2007 Mnet/KM Music Festival, winning three of them which included Artist of the Year, termed by many as the highest recognition of the ceremony.[34] Super Junior collected two more recognitions at the 22nd Golden Disk Awards, including a Disk Bonsang award (Record of the Year).[35] 2008–2009: Sorry, Sorry and career breakthrough Super Junior performing at SMTown Live '08 in Bangkok, Thailand Super Junior-M, Super Junior's Mandopop subgroup comprising members Hankyung, Siwon, Donghae, Kyuhyun, Ryeowook, and Super Junior-M members Henry and Zhou Mi, was formed in April 2008.[36][37] Although the creation of the subgroup initially created a strife between the group's fans and their management,[d] Super Junior-M went on to become Super Junior's most successful subgroup,[38] selling out two concerts in Hong Kong,[39] topping weekly ratings with their appearance on Chinese variety programs,[40] and was the idol group with the most endorsement contracts in China.[41] They won numerous awards at Chinese music festivals, and achieved critical acclaim after the release of their single "Super Girl" from their second record Super Girl, which garnered them a nomination for Best Vocal Group at the 21st Golden Melody Awards. A fourth Super Junior subgroup was created soon after Super Junior-M's debut. With five members from Super Junior-T and Yesung, they formed the subgroup Super Junior-Happy, releasing their first extended play (EP) Cooking? Cooking! on June 5, 2008. In November 2008, Super Junior-T made a debut in Japan, collaborating with Japanese comedy duo Moeyan.[42] Their single "ROCK&GO", the Japanese-language version of "Rokuko", debuted at number 19 on the Oricon Daily Charts[43] and ascended to number 2 three days later.[44] Super Junior's first Asia-wide concert tour, Super Show, started on February 22, 2008, in Seoul.[37][45][46][47][48][e] The group held a successful two-day fan meeting in Japan at the Nippon Budokan in Tokyo, selling out 12,000 tickets in several days.[49] The group released a compiled single "U/Twins", which includes the Japanese version of "U" in the limited release version, to complement the event. The single peaked at number four on Japan's Oricon Daily Chart on its first day of release, and dropped down four places on its second. The single broke a new record for being the first Korean single to have made within top 10 on Japan's Oricon Weekly Chart.[50] The group released their third studio album Sorry, Sorry on March 12, 2009.[51] It was their first album to debut at number one on the Hanteo Charts, selling over 29,000 copies the first day.[52] After only a month of release, the album became South Korea's best-selling album of 2009, and ultimately sold over 250,000 copies in South Korea.[53] It became the best-selling K-pop album in Taiwan,[54] Thailand, China, and the Philippines, in which the latter credited the album to be the first K-pop album to reach number one in music charts from the country.[55] The album's title single "Sorry, Sorry" became an instant hit,[56] collecting a total of ten number-one awards for ten consecutive weeks in Korea, and stayed as number one for a record-breaking 37 weeks in Taiwan's K-pop singles chart. "Sorry, Sorry" achieved national and international success, and has since been the group's best-selling single in South Korea.[2][57][58][59] Sorry, Sorry won several accolades at the 24th Golden Disk Awards, including the Disk Daesang (Record of the Year). After the success of Sorry, Sorry, Super Junior commenced their second Asia-wide concert tour Super Show 2, on July 17, 2009 in Seoul. 2010–2011: Bonamana, lineup changes, and international recognition Despite their critical and commercial success, the group was plagued by legal turmoils and lineup changes during their concert tour. Though Kibum was shown in the ads and promotional videos for Super Show 2, he did not officially participate in the concert tour, and announced his temporary leave from the group to pursue his acting career. In October 2009, Kangin was charged with a DUI and hit-and-run after crashing into a parked taxi holding three passengers.[60] In December 2009, Hankyung filed for contract termination from SM Entertainment, claiming that the provisions of his contract were unlawful, harsh, and against his rights.[61] He parted with the group and released his solo album Geng Xin in July 2010, which sold over 510,000 copies. That same month, Kangin announced his hiatus to fulfill his two-year mandatory military service.[11] With only ten members left, Super Junior went off to release their fourth studio album, Bonamana in May 2010. Although the album did not fare well as Sorry, Sorry critically, it sold over 300,000 copies in South Korea, outselling Sorry, Sorry.[62] The album remained at the top of Taiwan's Korean-Japanese Music Charts for 61 weeks, breaking their own previous record of the said chart.[63] To promote the album, Super Junior embarked on their third Asia-wide tour Super Show 3 in 2010 and 2011,[64] and had sold-out concerts for each stop.[65] In February 2011, Super Junior released a 3D movie version of their tour,Super Show 3 3D in all CGV and Primus movie theaters.[66] The movie debuted at number six on the box office charts and went off to become the best-selling 3D movie in Korea.[67] After touring in Japan, they released the Super Junior Japan 'Super Show 3' Opening Commemorative Album in February 2011, which debuted at number two on Japan's Tower Records online sales charts. The DVD version of Super Junior Japan Limited Special Edition – Super Show 3 also debuted at number two, while the CD version debuted at number 10. The album also remained at number three spot on the Oricon Daily Chart for two consecutive days and number six on the Oricon Weekly Chart. Following their commercial success in Japan, the group released a Japanese version of Bonamana's self-titled single in June 2011, which debuted at number two on the Oricon Daily Singles chart, selling over 59,000 copies the first week of release,[68] however, SM did not see the release as their official Japanese debut and has stated that their debut in Japan will occur at a later time.[69] Between Super Show 3 stops, the group took part in the SMTown Live '10 World Tour and toured in Los Angeles, Paris, Tokyo and New York along with other SM Entertainment-managed artists, performing outside of Asia for the first time.[70] Super Junior's performances were well received by the media,[71] and they were honored as Korea's National Pop Culture Icon for their role in spreading the Hallyu Wave (Korean Wave), receiving the Minister of Culture Awards by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism at the Pop Culture Art Awards. They were featured on CNN's Talk Asia program, and talked about their popularity and strategy for advancing into the world music industry.[72][73] The group has achieved recognition beyond Asia, reaching notability in Europe, North America, and South America. Peru’s Top 30 ranking of The Sexiest Men in the World included all of the members on the list[74] They gave exclusive interviews to Slovenian and Iranian magazines,[75] and were selected by Brazilian Hallyu fans to be the number-one Korean artist they want to visit Brazil.[76][77] Both Mexico's TV Azteca and the United Kingdom's BBC acknowledged Super Junior to be the leading icon of the Hallyu effect.[78][79] 2011–2012: Mr. Simple and world tour Super Junior members at LG Optimus Super Junior Fan meeting at Chateau de Chine in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in November 2011. (L-R: Leeteuk, Ryeowook, Eunhyuk, Donghae, Siwon, Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Yesung, Shindong) Mr. Simple debuted at number one on the South Korean Gaon Chart, selling 287,427 copies. The album stayed on the chart as number one for four weeks, and sold over 441,000 copies in South Korea by October 2011.[80] It peaked at number three on the Billboard World Albums Chart and number 17 on Japan's Oricon Album's Chart. The album's title single Mr. Simple won first place on the first day of the group's comeback performance on the music show M!Countdown.[81] In September 2011, Heechul left temporarily for military service. Super Junior began their first world tour, the Super Show 4 in November 2011.[82] The group's second Japanese single, a Japanese version of "Mr. Simple", was released December 7, 2011 in Japan,[83][84] however this was still not recognized by SM as their official Japanese promotional debut.[85] The group, with Super Junior-M members Zhou Mi and Henry, also recorded the song "Santa U Are The One" for the 2011 Winter SMTown – The Warmest Gift album, released on December 13, 2011. In addition, Donghae and Eunhyuk released their collaboration digital single "Oppa, Oppa" on December 16[86] and performed the single on Music Bank that same day. In 2011 Super Junior was selected as the Hallyu Star who foreign fans want to date. Arirang Survey in 188 Countries Revealed Super Junior as the Most Wanted Artist. On January 11, Super Junior participated at the 26th Golden Disk Awards which was held at the Kyocera Dome in Osaka, Japan. The group ended up bringing home four awards: Popularity Award, MSN Japan Award, Disk Bonsang and the grand prize Disk Daesang. This was followed by further successes at the Seoul Music Awards on January 19, at which they were awarded the Disk Bonsang and Disk Daesang. On January 13, Super Junior were crowned 'Album King' in Taiwan, after Super Junior’s 5th album Mr. Simple and 4th album Bonamana ranked 1st and 2nd on both album and music sections of the Korean Music Chart 2012. Significantly, Super Junior ranked 1 on the KKBOX K-Pop chart for 64 consecutive weeks with their 4th album title song "Bonamana", marking the longest record in the history of KKBOX K-Pop chart. They then reached 1 with the 5th album title song "Mr. Simple" for 46 consecutive weeks (as of 4 July 2012), effectively knocking themselves from the 1 spot. On February 22, Super Junior won Album Of The Year for the 3rd Quarter at the Gaon Chart Awards[87] and on March 13, Super Junior won Favorite K-pop Video for "Mr.Simple" at the MYX Music Awards.[88] Also, Super Junior successfully completed their world tour ‘SUPER SHOW 4’ in 10 cities worldwide including Seoul, Osaka, Taipei, Singapore, Macao, Bangkok, Paris, Shanghai, Jakarta and Tokyo for 6 months starting in November. Combined with their three Asia tours, ‘SUPER SHOW 4,’ Super Junior’s concert brand, gathered a total of 900,000 audiences. 2012–Present: Sexy, Free & Single In June, 2012, SM Entertainment announced that Kangin will rejoin Super Junior for the group's sixth album, Sexy, Free & Single which has been released online on July 1 and in stores on July 4, 2012.[89] SM released the MV for Sexy, Free & Single on July 3. The Version B of album was released on July 16, having only a different cover. On August 7, Super Junior released the repackage album for Sexy, Free & Single called SPY, including four new songs "SPY", "Outsider", "Only U" composed by Leeteuk and "Haru" composed by Donghae. The MV was released on August 13. Super Junior 6th Album Sexy, Free & Single managed to rank high in iTunes in several countries including Australia, France, Peru and Japan. It also ranked 3rd on Billboard World Albums.[90] The album debuted at 1st place on the South Korean Gaon Chart, selling 335,744 copies in one month.[91] Staying on the chart as 1st place for three weeks in a row, 459,182 copies have been sold in only two months (July - August).[91][91] Furthermore, Sexy, Free & Single also debuted at 1st on "Hanteo Chart" with more than 200,000 copies sold in one month become the first group to do so far this year.[92] Super Junior rank 1st place on Hanteo's "Top 5 K-Pop Artists" 2012 winning Hanteo "Singer Award" and also rank 1st place in Hanteo "Album Award" 2012 also winning this award.[93][94] Sexy, Free & Single was placed 1st for several weeks on Taiwan KKBOX KPOP chart having all album songs charted.[95] The Japanese version of this song, which was released on August 22, has sold over 118,902 units so far and is being considered Gold for selling over 100,000 units. Super Junior were nominated for "Best Asian Act" in MTV Europe Music Awards showing one more time their popularity around world.[96] On October Super Junior won "Teen Style Icon" award in Style Icon Awards[97] and on November they also won the "Best Artist Group Award" the 19th Korean Entertainment Arts Awards.[98] On November 30, Super Junior attended the Mnet Asian Music Awards where they won three awards, "Album of the Year", "Best Global Group - Male" and "Best Line Award", being the second year in row that Super Junior wins "Album of the Year".[99] Their Super Show 4 3D movie was awarded with "Work of Art Award" at the International 3D Festival being the only singer together with Glam winning an award.[100]On January 15 Super Junior won "Disk Daesang" at 27th Golden Disk Awards, being the 3rd "Disk Daesang" that Super Junior wins and two times in row.[101] Members Current active members Yesung Kangin Shindong Sungmin Eunhyuk Donghae Siwon Ryeowook Kyuhyun Current inactive members Leeteuk Heechul Kibum Super Junior-M members Zhou Mi Henry Former members Han Geng Discography For more details on this topic, see Super Junior discography. Korean Discography Studio Albums SuperJunior05 (Twins) (2005) Don't Don (2007) Sorry, Sorry (2009) Bonamana (2010) Mr. Simple (2011) Sexy, Free & Single (2012) Live Albums Super Show Tour Concert Album (2008) Super Show 2 Tour Concert Album (2009) Super Show 3 Tour Concert Album (2011) Super Show 4 Tour Concert Album (2012) Singles Show Me Your Love (2005) (featuring TVXQ) U (2006) Japanese Discography Singles Bonamana (2011) Mr. Simple (2011) Opera (2012) Sexy, Free & Single (2012) Tours and concerts Main Tours The 1st ASIA TOUR, Super Show (2008-2009) The 2nd ASIA TOUR, Super Show 2 (2009-2010) The 3rd ASIA TOUR, Super Show 3 (2010-2011) The WORLD TOUR, Super Show 4 (2011-2012) Subgroup tours Super Junior K.R.Y The 1st Concert (2010-2011) Super Junior K.R.Y Special Winter Concert (2012-2013) Affiliated tours SMTown Live '07 Summer Concert (2007) SMTown Live '08 (2008-2009) SMTown Live '10 World Tour (2010-2011) SMTown Live '12 World Tour (2012-2013) Musical style They pursued bubblegum pop in SuperJunior05; ethereal and alternative rock in Don't Don; pop and contemporary R&B in Sorry, Sorry and Bonamana; and electropop and synthpop in Mr. Simple. The group has also covered few songs in their albums. Their debut single "Twins (Knock Out)" is a cover of Triple Eight's "Knockout," which was released in 2003. In most of their covers, the original titles are kept, such as Cape's "L.O.V.E" and Exile's "Believe", both tracks from SuperJunior05. Super Junior works closely with Yoo Young-jin, who has produced and arranged most of the group's title singles since debut. Yoo's also known for creating the renowned SMP style, a genre that includes a balanced infusion of rock, R&B, and rap, empowered by the sounds of electric guitar, bass, and other different percussion instruments.[102] Super Junior prominently featured this SMP style in Don't Don.[103] The group are also acclaimed for their vocal harmonization and unison as each member contributes a different range in their choruses, and often incorporate different types of vocal belting into their songs.[f][104] Subgroups Super Junior-H, Super Junior-M and Super Junior-T Since debut, four Super Junior subgroups were formed. With the exception of Kibum, all of the members were put in at least one subgroup. The intentions of the subgroups were part of SM Entertainment's strategy to not limit Super Junior's activities while certain members focus on their individual careers.[105][106] Furthermore, the goal of subgroup formations was to show that Super Junior could accommodate and perform different musical genres. This strategy was later challenged by critics, as it has influenced an overwhelming amount of music groups to create official and unofficial subgroups alike.[107] Super Junior-K.R.Y Established in November 2006, is the first Super Junior subgroup and consists of Kyuhyun, Ryeowook and Yesung. The trio's first official performance was on November 5, 2006, on KBS's Music Bank, performing "The One I Love", theme song to the Korean television drama Hyena.[108] Aside from the theme, they contributed to two more tracks in the original soundtrack of Hyena. The trio also performed in two additional original soundtracks, one track in both the soundtracks of Snow Flower and Billy Jean Look at Me. Unlike Super Junior's other sub-units, Super Junior-K.R.Y has not officially released an original single or album (but will release an album soon in 2012), and only participated in collaboration albums and original soundtracks.[106] Super Junior-K.R.Y held their first mini concert tour in Japan in August 2010. They held two more concerts in Kobe in November 2010 and another two concerts in December 2010 in Fukuoka. Over 22,000 attended the tour.[109] In November 2012 the trio held a concert in Yokohama, Japan (during their special winter tour) in which they announced they're going to release an original Japanese single titled "Promise You" on 23 January 2013.[110] A teaser for the music video was shown during the concert and officially released through YouTube a few days later. Super Junior-Donghae & Eunhyuk Super Junior’s Donghae and Eunhyuk released a digital single, "떴다 오빠(Oppa has Risen)".[111] The 2011 single "Oppa, Oppa" reached 2nd place on Oricon‘s daily single and weekly charts, and #1 on Tower Records‘ single chart (2 April – 8 April).[112] Philanthropy Super Junior were appointed as the goodwill ambassadors for the 2008 Korea and Thailand 50th Anniversary, honoring the good relationship Korea has held with Thailand for the past fifty years.[113] On February 20, 2010, Super Junior were named as Taiwan’s tourism ambassadors. Super Junior are also spokesmodels for the "Donate Blood" (2007–present) campaign at the Republic of Korea National Red Cross and were appointed as goodwill ambassadors for World Blood Donor Day. On March 3, 2011, Super Junior were appointed by the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Korea as the 2011 Honorary Korean Food Ambassadors to promote Korean cuisine all over the world. On June 17, 2011, Super Junior were chosen to be the ambassadors of Seoul Summer Sale 2011.[114] They have since been appointed to the same position for Seoul Summer Sale 2012. On July 24, 2011, Super Junior were appointed as ambassadors for Korean tourism and LG Korea. Because of their popularity, they have been chosen as endorsers for Lotte Duty Free, and Donghae and Siwon are endorsers of the famous Filipino clothing line Bench. Kyuhyun is an endorser of Masita.[115] On September 4, 2012, Super Junior is appointed as honorary ambassadors for the Gangnam District of Seoul.[116] Controversies Expansion to China After the subgroups Super Junior-K.R.Y. and Super Junior-T, on October 2, 2007, S.M. Entertainment announced the birth of another Super Junior sub-unit project that would begin activities in China starting 2008. Zhou Mi and S.M. Entertainment's new Taiwanese-Canadian trainee Henry Lau, who was also featured in the music video of "Don't Don", were also members of the subgroup.[117] The announcement brought in a huge wave of dissatisfaction and opposition from fans of Super Junior after the announcement of two new members. Initially, fans were planning to boycott the company's products, however, most fans agreed on a silent protest instead. Thousands of fans from Super Junior's official fanclub E.L.F. silently sat in front of the SM building and held signs that supported the group to have only thirteen members.[118] After more rumors regarding adding another member to the subgroup, the fans decided to gain a legal representation as part of S.M. Entertainment's stockholders. As of March 20, 2008, Super Junior fans purchased 58,206 stocks of S.M. Entertainment, holding 0.3% of the company's entire stock.[119] They released a statement that they will obtain all chances to prevent S.M. Entertainment from adding new members and to keep Super Junior as only thirteen.[119] Conflict with MBC A time-slot dispute occurred between S.M. Entertainment and MBC when SM insisted to have Kangin stay on SBS's Explorers of the Human Body instead of MBC's Sunday Night Dong-An Club (동안클럽) where Kangin has been a regular host. MBC temporarily banned the rest of Super Junior from appearing in any future performances and shows hosted by MBC.[120] Kangin also lost his MC jobs to T.O.P. of Big Bang for the music show, Show! Music Core and also two more variety shows, which both soon canceled after Kangin left due to low ratings.[121] MBC demanded an apology from S.M. Entertainment in order for Super Junior to appear on shows hosted by the channel again. However, MBC concluded that Super Junior's ban was never official, but just a decision for shows' producers to decide.[122] Han Geng's lawsuit and departure from group On December 21, 2009, Han Geng filed for contract termination with S.M. Entertainment, unhappy with contract length and salary.[123][124][125] On December 21, 2010, the Seoul Central District Court ruled in favor of Han Geng.[8] On September 27, 2011, his departure was made official.[9][10] Filmography For more details on this topic, see Super Junior filmography. Awards Further information: List of awards and nominations received by Super Junior Footnotes a.^ OVER, without the periods, is also the title of track 7 in SuperJunior05 (Twins). b.^ All members of the group were present at the showcase with the exception of Ryeowook and Kyuhyun because they were not members of Super Junior at that time. However, one month before Super Junior's official debut, Ryeowook replaced ex-pre-debut member Junyoung and became the group's official member. Kyuhyun did not join the group until six months later, with the release of "U." c.^ All sales numbers taken from the Music Industry Association of Korea. Last known 2007 sales numbers here.. d.^ Sapphire blue, Super Junior's fanclub color, is also the name of the second track from Super Junior's second album, "소원이 있나요 (Sapphire Blue)." e.^ Both Yesung and Ryeowook took part in "Tie Clam Shells" (조개껍질 묶어), the only a cappella track in the 2007 SUMMER SMTOWN - FRAGILE album. f.^ Leeteuk, however, is one of the five rappers in Super Junior's recent music, "돈 돈! (Don't Don)". g.^ Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, and Ryeowook have been giving a cappella performances of their second 2007 single, "Marry U", as seen in Super Junior's second album DVD and Super Junior's Kiss the Radio.

Profil dan Biodata Smash Boyband Indonesia

Profil dan Biodata Smash Boyband Indonesia Profil dan Biodata Boyband Smash - Fans SMASH silahkan lihat Biodata dan Foto para personil Smash lengkap disini. Anda bila melihat biodata morgan, biodata bisma, biodata rafael, biodata rangga, biodata dicky, biodata reza dan biodata ilham. Foto SMASH *update. profil, biodata Foto SMASH TerbaruProfile SMASH: SMASH adalah singkatan dari Seven Men as Seven Heroes dan dibentuk 10 April 2010 di Bandung. Awal dibentuk, boyband ini beranggotakan Dicky, Ilham dan Reza. Kemudian menyusul masuk Morgan dan Bisma. Tidak lama kemudian, Rangga dan Rafael menyusul menggenapkan 7 anak muda penuh energik yang sama-sama merupakan penyanyi dan danceer. Lengkaplah SMASH diisi oleh Bisma, Ilham, Dicky, Morgan, Rangga, Reza, dan Rafael. Karir SMASH: Awalnya, boyband yang baru terbentuk ini mengikuti kompetisi yang diadakan oleh Cinta Laura. Kemudian dengan tekad nekad di oktober 2010, mereka meluncurkan single Heart You yang kemudian menjadi salah satu lagu cukup fenomenal. Penghargaan SMASH: Nickelodeon Indonesia Kids' Choice Awards 2011: Duo/Grup/Band Terfavorit Inbox Award 2011: Pendatang Baru Terinbox Inbox Award 2011: Boyband Terinbox Inbox Award 2011: Penampilan Terinbox Inbox Award 2011: Lagu Terinbox (I Heart You) Biodata Personil SMASH foto morgan smash1. Biodata Morgan SMASH Nama Lengkap: Morgan Oey Tempat dan Tgl Lahir : 25 Mei 1990, Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat Bintang : Gemini Artis Favorit : Justin Timberlake, Rihanna, Christina Aguilera Pendidikan : Information&Technology, Universitas Bina Nusantara, Jakarta Lagu Favorit : Breathless, Shayne Ward Jajanan favorit : French Fries Impian sukses : Berkeliling dengan keluarga ke seluruh dunia Pertama kali on stage : Indonesian Idol Audition Artis cewek favorit : Sandra Dewi Tidak disukai : Dikekang dan dibohongi foto rangga smash2. Biodata Rangga SMASH: Nama Lengkap: Rangga Dewamoela S Tempat dan Tgl Lahir : 6 Januari 1988, Voorburg, Belanda Zodia : Capricorn Artis Favorit : Stevie Wonder Pendidikan : Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, Bandung Lagu Favorit : Because of You, Keith Martin Jajanan favorit : French Fries Impian sukses : Membahagiakan dan membuat bangga orang tua Pertama kali on stage : Lomba Nyanyi antar SD Artis cewek favorit : Beyonce, Agnes Monica Tidak disukai : Dibohongin dan Udara Panas foto rafael smash3. Biodata Rafael SMASH: Nama Lengkap : Rafael Landry Tanubrata Tempat dan Tgl Lahir : 16 November 1986, Garut Bintang : Scorpio Artis Favorit : Mulan Jameela Pendidikan : Univ. Maranatha Lagu favorit : If You’re Not the One, Daniel Bedingfield Jajanan favorit : Jajanan pasar Impian sukses : Menjadi seorang entertainer melegenda serta menjadi contoh banyak orang. Pertama kali on stage : Nyanyi di Gereja Tidak disukai : Kaca Retak foto dicky smash4. Biodata Dicky SMASH: Nama Lengkap: Dicky M Prasetya Tempat dan Tgl Lahir: 18 Juni 1993, Bandung Bintang: Gemini Artis Favorit : Stevie Wonder Pendidikan : SMA BPI 1, Bandung Lagu Favorit : Semua lagu 2NE1 dan Lady Gaga Jajanan favorit : Jajanan yang pedas Impian sukses : Ingin lebih dikenal serta diterima masyarakat luas Pertama kali on stage : Pentas Budaya TMII Artis cewek favorit : Rihanna Tidak disukai : Dibohongi foto reza smash5. Biodata Reza SMASH: Nama Lengkap: Reza Anugrah Tempat dan Tgl Lahir: 21 Maret 1994, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara Bintang: Aries Artis Favorit: Ne Yo Pendidikan: SMAN 6, Bandung Lagu Favorit: Nothin on You, Keith Martin Jajanan favorit: Siomay Impian sukses: Maju sampai go international dengan SMASH dan bisa bawa orang tua naik haji. Pertama kali on stage: Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon Artis cewek favorit: Sandara 2NE1, Katy Perry, Agnes Monica Tidak disukai: Diselingkuhi foto ilham Smash6. Biodata lham SMASH: Nama Lengkap: Muhammad Ilham Fauzi Tempat dan Tgl Lahir : 29 Agustus 1995, Kendari, Sulawesi Tenggara Bintang : Virgo Artis Favorit : Gita Gutawa, Hayley Nichole Williams Pendidikan : SMAN 1, Bandung Lagu Favorit : That’s What You Get – Paramore Jajanan favorit : French Fries khas SMAN1 dan chicken katsu Impian sukses : Pengen jadi anak shaleh untuk orang tua dan bisa terkenal, pengen bikin video klip dengan Hayley Nichole Williams Pertama kali on stage : Kid’s Choice Award Nickelodeon Artis cewek favorit : Putri Titian Tidak disukai : Menunggu foto bisma smash7. Biodata Bisma SMASH: Nama Lengkap: Bisma Karisma Tempat dan Tgl Lahir : 27 November 1990 Bandung Bintang : Sagitarius Artis Favorit : Jason Mraz, Chris Brown, Hyun Ah Lagu Favorit : Semua lagu yang enak buat dinyanyiin Jajanan favorit : Cuankie, pecel, ice chocolate, teh manis Impian sukses : Jadi musisi dan sutradara Pertama kali on stage : Puma Ground Zero Artis cewek favorit : Poppy Sovia, Zoey Deschanel Tidak disukai : Kedinginan, debu, dibohongi, dan basa basi Itulah biodata boyband SMASH dan biodata personil SMASH terbaru saat ini. Beberapa foto SMASH diatas merupakan foto terbaru SMASH yang bisa anda lihat. Boleh juga anda mencoba melihat berbagai foto lainnya di internet. Semoga berguna terlebih kepada fans setia SMASH diseluruh Indonesia.


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